Your Farmers

If you've found your way here, it's likely because you've purchased a consumable from us. Thank you!

I'm a homesteading, homemade living, mom of these two little farmers.  These two farmers love animals of all kinds, especially farm animals. Our animals get hugs, daily, treats and opportunities to explore outside.  My little farmers participate in the farming from all angles-from making/selling bread to raise money for their feed to buying their own feed at the feedstore to caring for the animals to collecting their eggs to cleaning coops.

Since I think it's good to know your farmers, I will share some various pictures of our chicken keeping history.  Thank you for supporting their interests and dreams.






  1. Your kids are amazing. Love that your boy reads to the eggs in the incubator! Precious!

  2. Awesome pictures! Those are some well-loved chickens!

  3. Your children are so adorable and precious.



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