Warm day vibes, flower challenge re-cap
These warm days get me thinking about seasons changing and color! We currently have forsythia force bloomed on our table. From now until frost, there will be a homegrown arrangement on the table. So lucky to have this farmhouse and all the bounty of perennials and the garden for annuals. Hopefully this year will be like last last year, that we share bouquets regularly. We love to show up at nursing homes, fill their vases and leave the dining area colorful and we love dropping off bouquets to folks who could use a little cheering. Plus my kids love to pick a bunch and have 'free' bins in front of the house for pickup. Here's a small sample recap of what we shared last year. We welcome color and are excitedly awaiting the crocuses. They must be coming soon!

We went on a special trip to LL Bean with my brother's family. Instead of telling them they could pick out something at LL Bean, I brought them to the thrift shop in Freeport. They could go on a hunt to find something that was LL Bean to buy. Audra picked a dress. Adrian picked a fleece. Plus I got them a pair of LL Bean boots and a pair of LL Bean sneaks. Plus throw a pair of Nikes. All of this stuff was like new! $20 and all this loot. Much cheaper LL Bean than even the LL Bean outlet.
And here I have perler beads, pack of poster board, a canvas to paint, a vintage hat, a vintage wool coat and a few vintage books. $6.50.
And here I have perler beads, pack of poster board, a canvas to paint, a vintage hat, a vintage wool coat and a few vintage books. $6.50.
Winter Wildlife Day
I'm a bit behind. Winter Wildlife Day, we go every year at Laudholm Farm. Here are the critters we met:
I could do without the bat though (shivers). I also would have liked to have taken more pics, but this one kept me going. It's such a fun event.
She's wearing the overalls I made for Adrian years ago.
After that, we had a fun time sledding with friends. Thinking that was the last time sledding will happen this winter! Come on spring!
Keeping on
"It seems like any time a person wants to hurt another person's feelings, he says nasty things about his looks," I said,exasperated. "What possible difference could it make how a person looks if he is a good person?"
(Belle Prater's Boy by Ruth White)
When a teenager protagonist in my current book expresses her viewpoint on beauty being only skin deep, it speaks right to my heart. I'm hoping that my trio will hold fast to the truth that true beauty comes from one's heart now, throughout their teenage days and beyond. Some days I feel like I'm constantly sowing seeds without reaping any quantity of yield. Praying our never ending conversation of the importance of kindness is progressively planting seeds for an abundant harvest one day. Keep on parents, Don't grow weary, for this is important work raising the next generation.
Maine Maple Weekend
Maine Maple Weekend was this past weekend. Maine Maple Weekend is pretty much a holiday in Maine. Everyone and their brother, sister, cousin, 2nd and 3rd cousin was out at our local Maine Maple event. Justin did bring the big two, but didn't stay long because there were so many people. Most of our celebration was at home. Pancakes. Tea party. Gowns. The Royal Ball. Classical Music. And then a dance partner arrived, dressed up, shocking all at The Royal Ball. I just cannot delete any of these pics, moments I want to remember forever.
A fur shawl, a sweater, a gardening journal, three brand new boxes of lightbulbs and a box of envelopes. $5.25
Three brand new painting sets (hello Easter presents!),a bowl, magazine organizer, a rooster trivet and a vintage ice cube tray. We have been having fun making old fashioned ice. $4.75
Three brand new painting sets (hello Easter presents!),a bowl, magazine organizer, a rooster trivet and a vintage ice cube tray. We have been having fun making old fashioned ice. $4.75
The thaw, the freeze, the snow, the thaw, the freeze. In the middle of all that is the chorus of birds returning to our morning. I just cannot go outside without stopping to see if I can locate the source of the song. We also have had the pleasure of seeing more than one barred owl. The mud? So much fun for them, although laundering the muddy garments I could do without. But, I dusted off my clothes pins and put some things on the line the other day. My forsythia that I brought inside to force bloom is bright yellow. We started our seeds and they are just beginning to pop up. Maine Maple weekend is this weekend in Maine. So many signs that spring is beginning to emerge. I'm so thankful to live where there are seasons.
Homemade Medieval Garb
After we posted of our fun at the Medieval Faire, a long time friend and blog reader decided to surprise Audra with a homemade four piece outfit (and gifts for the other kids as well!). Audra loves it. She loves dressing in character and she especially loves layers. She has gotten quite a bit of use out of it. Thank you, Sara!
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