Screen Free

What do my screen free kids do with their time?  An afternoon in the life...
Adrian made jam, practically by himself, from the rhubarb he picked, chopped and froze last year.
 Audra has been making some very interesting bouquets. Each room looks mighty cheerful.
 And then we have mother hen, with all of her children she totes around.  She also spends a lot of time putting random things in and taking things out of the guinea pig cages too.
Although raising them differently compared to the world has been our intentional choice, I still sometimes question everything I do. Did I make the right choice? Is now the time I do more with screens?  Will they be at a disadvantage compared to their peers? I question myself until I look back on the pictures I have taken and the writings I have recorded in this blog space.  I can say with conviction that screen free has been the best choice for our family and it's the way we will carry on. They can catch up on the screens later on, right now they are busy living their best childhood.  I don't think they will be sorry.


Cutest Chiquita Banana I ever did see. Love her bunches.

Mama Made: Backpack

I made a 'packpack' for little miss. Should have gotten a better pic, but it is hard to get the opportunity. She loves it, hardly takes it off!


Extra iron for Sewing lessons, old weather book, game for AK and a new area rug.  $11.
 Weights, plaster of paris, four blank canvas panels, a hat, red lace and the number 2 birthday candle for our birthday girl. $5.25.

Anna-Kate is TWO!

Well, here you are, Anna-Kate!  TWO!

18 months
She's One
9 months
6 months
(Here's 3 monthsnewborn.)


You are sunshine in our home.  We all are smitten with you.  Truly. All of us.  Your dad lets you run the snow.  I can't get enough of your 'mooches' and 'nuggles'. Adrian loves how you call him "bubba" (brother), even though you can say Adrian.  Audra could seriously tote you around all day, dressing you up as a character in her old fashioned play.  All the animals love your gentle touch. You have brought so much sunshine to our lives!

You are a talker.  In fact, you tell us when you want to talk, all the time.  "I A TALKA".  You always have something to say. Something to sing. Something to comment on. You're not shy in dancing, you can shake that little body of yours to the beat! Sometimes you call yourself Anna-Kate. Other times, you insist you are "Anna-Katherine." 

You are still on this kick that you only eat colorful things. "Happles" (aka apples), oranges, any berries, red peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, etc.  Anything boring looking doesn't even get tried, usually it gets chucked (homemade bread, biscuits, muffins, cookies, etc). You really enjoy feeding the dogs your meals.  It's driving me crazy.

You have opinions about what you 'yike' and 'don't yike'.  That changes about every 2 seconds.  It's pretty much the opposite of whatever anyone is suggesting.

You love to help. With everything. You unload the dirty dishwasher.  Load the clean with dirty.  You put the clean laundry with the dirty and vice versa.  If there's a spill, you'd like to empty the entire drawer of towels to clean it up. You love to feed the dogs and cats, collect the eggs, give hay to the guinea pigs. You enjoy sweeping and fetching the dustpan for me. 

You are a baby lover, a book lover (especially Little Blue Truck and Penny Penny...aka Henny Penny), animal lover, sticker lover and a hershey kiss lover. You aren't shy about giving other people love. You also love going to the nursery with your friends during church and co-op.  You love to go outside and run!  The chicken coop is your fave place to get your exercise. 

Since you gave up your naps months ago, we have plenty of time to soak in the two year old goodness.   You're my 'begged for' baby and I am so thankful to be your mama. 



 The many faces of Anna-Kate.


Bookends. Pete and repeat. Twinsies. Deja vu. Mirror image.

Except one is wild and the other is tame. 

8 years of age and he's trying to tame his wild dad.  Good luck, buddy.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter! The Bigs and I made acrylic cross paintings. I love them. They remind me how blessed I truly am.

My girl

She has style and chickens. This is her fave bantam and her fave silkie. Always an animal. She says she's going to be a veterinarian like her BOG.  She just may.

Stitched by her, a pillowcase

Audra and two of her friends have coordinating handmade pillowcases now. These kids are getting good at stitching! 

Spring projects.

New roof on the house (not done by us).  Garage doors painted.  Just two items off my to do list for the spring, but progress is progress! 

Old Orchard

"Mama, what's a pier?" 

Home sweet homeschool means we can opt for a field trip in addition to the dictionary.

This, my littles, is a pier. Such a foggy day, you can hardly see the waves, but you could certainly hear them. 

May I never take for granted how blessed we are living a stone's throw from coast. 


Treated myself.
 Tick control.
 Our orchard and the train behind.
 Raspberries and the train behind.
 Barefoot with Zippy.
 Barefoot and Holly.
 Project progress.
 No coats. No mittens. No hats. No socks. And Picnics.  Welcome spring!

24 hours

First we woke up to a hat with a masking taped rear view mirror.
Then we had sunglasses man with dilated eyes.
 (And $3.00 thrifted tool belt, loaded with necessities, walkie talkie included.)
 And then we had this boy who turned into a teenager.  I don't think he'll ever be without his glasses again.  In 24 hours, his look changed forever. He's growing and changing so much! I couldn't be more proud of who he is becoming.


When they have a sale on books and I get these...3 for $1.00.  Twist my arm.
 Add brand new boots for Audra, a half dozen transferware plates, a vintage wool plaid shirt for Adrian and some fabric.  $6.50 total.
 And more keeps coming.  A brand new potty seat, three brand new change purses (helping the Easter Bunny out), plus someone dumped their smartwool collection (fifty cents a pair! one for everyone in the family!), plus a wooden figure set. $5.50. 
(For the locals, these were two different thrift stores separate from my favorite one. Haven't been to my typical one in a bit, on the to do list this week!)


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