Bunch of Mainers

 We have gone to the ocean a lot.  And I never take my camera because I fully submerge too.  Decided I needed to snap an end of the day dip. So glad I did!

A family pic, mom and dad in shadows. 

My waver

He had me post on facebook an announcement to his morning waving folks so they know that he'll be off. 

I posted this, and he received hundreds of likes and comments on our town page! 

The waving man wants his regulars to know that tomorrow is his last day for a bit because he gets to visit his grandpa for three + weeks.
Hanging with him while he waves proves how well he knows his regulars. "OH, she's with her husband today, they usually drive separately ", "She'll be back soon, it's a quick daycare run. ", and my favorite, "I'm concerned their inspection is way past due."
May you feel seen and cared about, because you are by a special 12 year old boy! Beep a little extra tomorrow, he's a little sad he'll be missing his regulars for so long. Rest assured, he'll be back!

He spends a solid two hours waving to folks driving to work each workday. We get recognized wherever we go in town because of him.  His regulars deliver him gifts too! 

(His reflector vest was a waving friend's delivery)
Look at the little welded man. It's statue of Adrian waving in his vest! 
And fifty bucks for Amazon! 


 Yesterday was a bottom of the barrel day for several reasons outside my control. Although all I wanted to do is crawl up and wallow, we instead hosted an ice cream social.  During that ice cream social, my husband posted on facebook that I could use some encouragement.  I was quite surprised to open my facebook after the party. People showed up with words of encouragement and in person in a way that blew me away. My heart has been mended and is now 10 sizes bigger from all the love and support.  I went to bed smiling.  

My takeaway...Find the people who are more interested in doing right than being right. I'm so thankful for the people in my life that care. I wish I could hug each one of you. Thank you. 


 She wanted to make muffins for breakfast. So we picked our own blueberries and she collected the eggs.

She so carefully washed, took the stems off and lined them up to dry.
Then we made muffins with my grandmother's recipe, link here.

Science Shows

 We've been getting science shows lately, which are pretty much the best things ever.

(Note the pupil)


 All you have to do is say 'Zippy!' and Adrian can't help smiling so big that you see those dimples. 

Zippy is the best of the best.

Maine 4-H Days Continued

 I wish I was organized enough to put in one place allllll the classes my kids have gotten to do at Maine 4-H Days over the years. It's been MANY.  Many good ones too, as evidenced by my kids remembering and mentioning things they've learned over the years. 

Here's a glimpse: 

Their fave part is the freedom to get to their classes via bikes and scooters. My big kids are so independent that I hardly see them during the day.


Audra's classes: Paint a barn quilt, Training search and rescue dogs (which she did with real dogs), showing horses (which she got to do) and Wildlife science. 
Adrian did tractor safety, worked in the sawmill and in the forge with the blacksmith, did horse carting and did a session called 'Claim your Future', which was sort of like an adulting game for teens.

Anna-Kate got to do Needle felting, engineering, historical exploration and she also painted a barn quilt. 

I taught papermaking. 

Plus there's always a service activity. We filled bags with toiletries for shelters.
There's no exhaustion like the end of a full 4-H day.  We (again) were the only reps from York County. There's no where you can get fun like this for $40 per family.  We'd love to bring lots of friends next year!  

Maine 4-H Days Part 1

Campsite set up, my husband posing like he's a camper, but don't let him fool you. He likes mattresses, snacks, climate control and movies. He went home (after the ice cream social, of course) and we stayed. 


Adrian got to be a part of the physics show. 

We enjoyed a good ol' country hoedown. 

And pretended we were going to sleep.  (Spoiler. We didn't.) 

Stay tuned for tomorrow, I'll tell you about all the awesome classes they took! 

My fave crops

I haven't posted a lot about gardening this year, but I promise it's been a big part of my days.  Today I'll have some superlatives to share. 

Easiest to grow: Garlic. I love planting in the fall when the temps are comfortable. I love how it just pops up to do it's thing first thing in the spring.  I love how it first gives me scapes and then it gives me enough garlic to eat for months and enough seed garlic to start again for next year.  I haven't bought garlic in years. 

Anna-Kate loved helping me harvest. "Tickle tickle" she said to each one as she tickled the soil from the roots.
Favorite to pick: Flowers. I love love love picking bouquets and tucking flowers in allllll the places. A few carefully chosen annuals with lots of thick perennials. Allll the flowers, everywhere.



Our family has more togetherness than most. Sometimes it's not peachy, but sometimes it's so sweet that it melts my heart.

The babysitter


Audra was off with our neighbor.  I had a coffee date with a friend.  Adrian became the babysitter. He initially wasn't sure of the job, but I reminded him that he's more responsible than I am.  He supposed he'd give it a whirl. 

Know what he did? 

First he closed and locked all the doors and windows. 
Then he got her a snack. 
Then he read to her every Virginia Lee Burton book that we own. He said this took him a whole hour.
Then he was thirsty and hydrated himself and gave her a drink. 
Then he helped her set up his best trucks on the car mat. 
Then he read his own book while she played underfoot. 
I showed up just as they were cleaning up. 

Pretty much the best babysitter ever. 

Although I'm not sure he is interested in doing it again anytime soon! 


Not everyday we get to take a class on scat! 

Matchy, matchy!  

Making our own scat with clay. 

And a little silliness with the grounds crew (who know us now).


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