This post is a continuation from apple picking (clic
k here). That's right, snow's starting to fly and I'm still chatting about apple picking.
Way back after I had made oodles of goodies from said apples, I looked at the pile of peels and cores and couldn't toss them. I was planning on giving them to the rabbit and chickens, but I decided to do something else. Apple cider vinegar. And I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure it was going to work.
It totally worked.
Seriously, this is likely the easiest thing I made ever. I know I always say that about making y
ogurt, but this is even easier than making yogurt.
Apple Cider Vinegar
1) Toss cores and peels into large glass jar.
2) Fill jar with water.
3) Cover with cloth and rubber band.
4) Store in dark place (our pantry) for a few weeks (I did almost two months).
5) Drain, strain and store.
After a few weeks, you can smell it. I dare say that I loved smelling the fermenting apples everytime I opened the pantry door. They started looking like this:
But of course, ended looking like this:

I ended up with a gallon. It tastes oh so good. And it was free. And it's good for you. A marvelous combination of pluses, if you ask me. I like yummy and free, and good for you is a bonus. It's a little different from the store, because there's this thing called the 'mother' that is a glob of stuff that is totally normal, but store apple cider vinegar doesn't have that 'mother' because it's pasteurized. Oodles of info on that online, just google.
What to do with it?
We'll mostly do salad dressings-we're getting back to making all our own again. I might try to clean with it. I clean with white vinegar that I buy, but I'd totally switch to free that I make if it works. Also, my friend told me adding a small amount to rabbits' water helps their urine smell less potent. Might try that.
Now your turn-tell me if you've given it a try before. Or tell me if you think you'll use your scraps next apple season to give it a whirl.