Our days...

It's so hard to believe that Monday marks one week we've had Ms. Anna-Kate. This time last week, I was still pregnant and gearing up for the hardest labor and delivery I have had. So very worth it though, we've ended up with such a dream baby! This last week, I've been trying to dig my way out of a mess of a house. I seem to keep moving piles and somehow no matter how much I work at the organization, things keep piling. It's a hard balance tackling the piles, caring for a newborn and the rest of my family while also pacing myself as my body heals.  I'm thankful to have my husband home to help with the animal care and big brother and big sister. 

This picture truly captures life this last week. Chaos all around, but such peace gazing into these newborn eyes.

My husband has been super helpful with meal planning and grocery shopping. Not that he needs to cook eggs. We have a chef who does that.  At only four, she can crack all those eggs and not get shells. Would you believe her eggs are perfectly yellow, no burn marks...always?!  It's good she likes to cook eggs, as she will eat 4 (!!!) on her own.

It's nice how the weather has been such that outdoors is the preferred place to be.
 The green grass is making a comeback.
 Chickens are definitely laying.
 I'm running to the garden to grab fresh greens for dinners again.
 Spring is definitely in the air.
 Our three season porch still has the windows, but it won't be long before they come out and the screens go back in.  For now, it's nice and warm in the afternoon, a perfect place for an afternoon snooze/snuggle tiny squish.

 All in all, it's been a good week of adjusting to the new while keeping much of our day to day 'same old, same old'.  It's been quite nice to just be home sweet home.

Baby wearing

Just a little something I like to call....magic.


I've been letting the big kids take turns picking outfits for their new sister.  My overall boy chose overalls today. Big surprise.  That spurred a matching trio.  Of course I had to do a little photoshoot. Best wheelbarrow load ever!.  (Thanks to Sharon for the blanket,should have had it flower side up!)

Settling in

Day two home with the five of us, I must say I'm enjoying settling back in to our new normal. I'm thankful my husband has a month more off of work and I will be off of work for 11 more weeks.  We are so rarely home all together, it feels like a treat.  Sweet little Anna-Kate is getting TONS of love and snuggles from her big brother and sister. Constantly. Aside from snuggles, we've been reading a lot, spending time with our animals, being outside, getting dirty and trying to do some teamwork to make some good food.   Our house is a disaster, but better than yesterday, so that's progress.  My body is definitely in recovery mode, so pacing myself with baby snuggles is just perfect to make sure I don't do too much.  Sometimes I think about all I usually do this time of year with the gardens around this property, but this year I won't be doing it "all".  And that's okay.  I've asked for another baby for 4 years now.  Having her close to me is how I want to be spending my days, the garden will be there next year.  These infant days...I'm loving them.

Siblings Meet

First of all, I'm so thankful for everyone's well wishes and congrats.  I haven't been as good about replying as much as I'd like, but I want to let you all know how I truly appreciate the love.

I wasn't sure how it would go having my two bigs meet their little sister.  Especially if you recall how furious my son was when he found out we were having a girl.  (Pic here for reference of that day when I ruined his life with the news).

Well, he has had quite the change of heart. They both RAN into the hospital room.  Adrian kept saying "I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I just love her so much. She is my sister and I'm so happy."  He is still chanting things like this. He cannot stop smiling when he sees her. Cannot keep his hands off of her. Audra at first was more interested in organizing the tiny diapers and clothes but when she finally decided she wanted to hold the baby, she sat still for the longest I've seen her sit still in ages.

The long and short of it...we ALL love Anna-Kate.  Anna-Kate is a good sport. If I was in her shoes, I'd be a tad overwhelmed with all the constant love and touches.  But she is tolerating all the love.  We are so thankful to have her here with us.

Forgive me for posting oodles of pictures, I've not been successful at narrowing them down.



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