One year later, oh my, it's been quite the year. A year of many ups and downs (in particular every appliance breaking), we're definitely settled in. This last year will without doubt be the most challenging of all years. So much that needed to be done, so much that I've wanted to do. One year later, I can look back and see the progress. So much has happened in a year, it's hard to put our first year on the farm into one post. I'll try to sum it up. The long and short of it? It's ours. And it finally feels like ours. It feels like home.
Through winter,
And fall.
It's been a fabulous year of projects and memories. So, what have I done around this place?
Painting. Lots of it. A bit of outdoor painting and a lot of indoor painting.

Remember wall paper, lots of it? A lot of it is gone now. On my own, I have painted 7 rooms, two hallways and a stairway, just on the inside of our house. My dad and husband helped refinish a wooden floor. I stripped some linoleum. Oh my. That does seem like a lot. Here's the rundown. You can find links to lots of what we did under the "Our Farmhouse" subtitle on the right hand side.
Living room painted.
His room painted.Bathroom painted.
Hallways painted.
Playroom painted.
Three season porch painted.
Kitchen painted.
Craft area painted.
Carpets removed on porch, braided rug instead.
Carpets ripped in bedroom.
Sanded and sealed floors.
Linoleum ripped up in dining area, floors painted.
Renovations have started in the majority of rooms. There's still another bathroom, her room, guest room, entryway and another hallway that haven't been touched. Maybe if my kids would actually sleep (ha!) I might have checked some more off the to do list. With the exception of the hardwood floors above, all that was me and only me.
Clothesline added
Getting this root cellar back in working order (which this picture is before it was filled...it's filled now..oh my!)
Filling this woodshed.
Lots of this barn cleaned out.
And my dad has been working on restoring old windows.(...amazing work!)
Plus, some things that don't photograph well, such as insulation. Started that, but lots more to do, and many windows to replace.
And gardens. Lots of cutting back and the goats clearing. We worked the garden that hasn't been worked in some time. And raspberry hedges, the beginnings of an orchard, blueberry bushes.
And we added animals.
A bunny.
My, when I look back on all that has been done in a year, it has been a lot. Pair that with my desire to feed my family homemade and provide them with handmades, it's been busy. Oh yea, and my 25hr a week day job. Busy, yes, but never too busy to not appreciate the little moments that make us smile. My, there's been many of those. A year of memories, for sure. So many more in store for us as we settle in deeper into our forever home. Thanks for coming along with us. We're so glad you are a part of this ride, too.
Don't forget Wednesday Homemade Living series. Which I didn't forget yesterday, I just thought it was Tuesday yesterday. I took a little time off this week and I'm all confused. It's not too late. Click below for those participating. I'll be posting along next Wed. Although, truth be told, you ought to check my blog in between my Wednesday Homemade Living postings. There's lots of homemade living in between that you don't want to miss. :)

Today is:
Staci - http://lifeatcobblehillfarm. com/
Next Wednesday is: