Back to (not in) school 2022-2023

 Another year of homeschooling with my 6th, 4th and Kg.

My favorite parts

My most favorite parts of vacation are such everyday simple things.  My most favorite thing is either reading to them while they play or reading myself while they play.  I always try to make this a daily occurrence. 
(My personal vacation stack prior to going to the library there)

My other fave part at camp is we eat dinner outside every single night at this picnic table.   Sometimes it's just us, almost always my dad joins, sometimes company too, family and friends. Something special about camp dinners.

Blessed to have had this time.

The RIver

 Hours upon hours of entertainment. We had a good, good time on the St. Lawrence. 

Dog Days

 These dogs had it rough at camp.  Every morning a walk, followed by a swim. Then snuggles reading books. Followed by more swims. 

(that's me reading!)

Mama Mades


Mama Mades, x3. 

Adrian will only sleep in the things I make him now, but he was kind enough to humor me for a couple photos. It was nice to get some sewing time in at camp. I made five dresses and one pair of shorts. 

I'm baaaaack!

 Back in Maine! There is SO MUCH TO DO to settle back in after being back for nearly a month. 

But first, I do what totally makes no sense, but makes all the sense. 

I pick flowers. 

Look at this marvel of a flower.
Mystery squash. My specialty. 
And the tomatoes.  All the tomatoes.  Yum. 
The first of so many more things that need to be brought in. Seven loads of laundry.  Lots of putting away. So much to do still. So nice to be home sweet home. 

My husband is thrilled to not be alone! 


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