If I just accepted my first due date and didn't insist on an ultrasound, I'd be considered 5 days overdue. Or if you count my current due date, I'm due in five days. Either way, I'm so close and "go time" could be any moment. If you have been pregnant before, you may agree that the last couple of weeks seem to last longer than the previous 8 1/2 months. Especially when it's hovering around 100 degrees in Maine (ick).
Many of conversations have occurred lately inquiring as to my feelings with the frustration of the waiting game, being uncomfortable and just generally being ready to be done. I must admit, I had been having feelings as these, which escalated once discussing with others. Particularly with the spike in heat (which I'm not a heat fan anyway), I've been willing these last few days to pass quickly.
But, today I had quite the change of heart. These days shouldn't be rushed. They should be savored. I don't have many more days where it will be just my little guy and me...connecting, bonding, laughing, snugging and enjoying one another. Yes, we will still do this once our little girl is here...but I don't want to wish away the uninterrupted time we get together now.
Beach time, just the two of us. "Beach fun mama!". Reading 15 books in a row. "More dooks mama". Playing his favorite board game for an hour straight. "Teddy same mama." Making cupcakes. "Mmm. Help mama." Filling dumptrucks with rocks. "Brrrm, dumptruck". Those random moments when he just wants a snuggle. "Kiss mama cheek". Playing peek-a-boo, complete with the giggles that follow. "Scare mama, BOO!"
Yes, I may be large, hot and uncomfortable. Yes, I cannot wait to meet our little girl. But, I vow to not wish away these last moments or days with just the two of us. All the complaining doesn't help, babies come when they're ready. Besides, there's too many memories to make while we wait.