
This big wire paper sorter, two big crocks and a shelf:$6.75
Bingo with the wheel(!), books and and a brand new miniature flower press, purse size.  $5.00

Happy Halloween 2017

Happy Halloween 2017
Mama made Hansel and Gretel. Plus the little peppermint stick in a tutu. I could totally eat her up.


Moments like this I'm so incredibly glad I had the camera close by. Every detail, every aspect makes me smile. The inperfections seem more like perfection in this shot. This is the type of image I want to stay in my brain for always. It's our everyday and our everyday is so so so good.

The youngest

 When you are the youngest and there is a barn full of animals that need tending, you get wrapped in wool and parked outside in the bitter morning cold while we rush around. 

Know why she's the best baby? Because she doesn't mind one bit.

Halloween Memories

All years (except the Tortoise and Hare year...which was the year we bought the farm) are homemade by mama costumes (which are mostly coats that they wear during the cold season).  This year, they have grand ideas too...and I have a lot of work to do! But until then, have some Lipsky Halloween memories...

Little Stinkers
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf

Bear Hugs

The Kitty and Puppy

Tortoise and the Hare

My calf

My lobster dinner


I didn't think it would ever happen, this bike riding thing. He has not been interested in learning at all, ever. "Hey Adrian, want to ride bikes?" "Nope. I'm a farmer. Farmers don't need bikes!" He'd spend hours pedaling his John Deere pedal tractor around, though.  Same one my brother had decades ago. Just last month, the front wheels on that pedal tractor rusted out and fell off.  Too much use. We have yet to fix it.

Enter bicycle.  Rather quickly he learned once he gave it a shot.  He loves it now. 

Little miss adorable likes watching him too.

Punkinfiddle 2017

Punkinfiddle, another year of celebrating the estuaries and makers of great things. Animals, handcrafts, vegetable carvings, awesome food, music, etc. This just happened to be the coldest day in all of fall thus far. And rainy too. Adrian was mostly hoping for the sheep herding demonstration.  Last year there were so many people that he couldn't hardly hear the presenter. This year, not only was he front and center, but he also lasted the longest out of anyone (there were many more people before I started taking pics). Even shot the breeze with the shepherd afterwards. That kid...

 Audra was cold.
 And Anna-Kate content.

 Audra spent well over an hour crafting.

 All in all, a great day.
 Although I definitely could have lived without this creepy scarecrow they made there, who is now sitting on our porch steps...  Life with kids.

Six Months Anna-Kate!

Six months!

(Here's 3 months, newborn.)


You are the world's most sweetest baby. All smiles. Best giggle ever. You love people. Anyone can snuggle you. So content. Hardly fussed for your first tooth. Excellent sleeper. You growl like a polar bear. You never miss a trick. You have quite the arm reach and a gorilla grip. Your patient nature and loving spirit are exactly what our family needed.  We love you, Anna-Kate.
Love, Mama


2 pyrex with tops. Twenty-five cent book sale scores, even vintage! Hand knitted Anna-Kate sized mittens.  The most adorable paint smock that I think I will use for a pattern and make matching ones for my kiddos. $8.00

Strawbery Banke Homeschool Days

All right, folks.  Fall is a time for history around our area, apparently.  Strawbery Banke Homeschool Day was so warm, but so fun! History is best learn through living it, thankful to have had so many chances lately to learn history through experience.



Old Tulip Dress

My sweet baby wearing my old dress. My mom saved a whole box of my baby girl clothes, which is so special now she is gone. Everytime I look at my baby wearing something my mom lovingly saved from my childhood, it feels like I am given a hug from my mom...which is exactly what I could use this week. Thankful I was raised by a wonderful woman and hope I can be half the mom she was. And that baby? Well, I thank God for her everyday. She brings us so much joy.


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