Misfits Organic Produce

We have been ordering produce through Misfits Organic Produce weekly (taking a break when my garden produce was peak) since they started delivering to Maine in May.  They sent me a friends and family referral code for 50% off.

https://www.misfitsmarket.com/ Code: COOKWME-LH0QGS

We are SO happy with our delivery, kids look forward to it. We definitely eat it all, so that's a lot of fruits and veggies added into their diet.  They have tried many new things too. I recommend trying it! If you did try, this family size box of produce would be $22, shipped with the coupon.
 The packaging is eco friendly and can be re-purposed according to Anna-Kate.
 Most of the time the produce is just over production, but we have gotten some miniature and some oversized things too. Quality is guaranteed. Our favorite was this fish potato.

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