Trying to fit it all in, although I do not do well one bit with this heat.
But a rundown...
Last of the homemade pumpkin muffins for first breakfast and shooed them outside.
In the garden before 7am...
Pulled weeds
Watered trouble spots
Fenced my succession planting of broccoli
Pulled the peas and replanted some more for fall
Heard a hollering from afar 'TWENTY EGGS THIS MORNING, MAMA!'
Spread 3 wheelbarrows of mulch
Picked a big bowl of green beans
Shooed little feet from stepping on plants (they all like to be 2 cm. from me, always)
Picked a fresh bouquet
Celebrated a peck of peppers Peter would proclaim were perfect.
Okay, maybe not a peck, but still a lot.
Back in for a proper breakfast of homemade toast, our own peaches and fresh eggs.
Plus homemade popsicles.
Three loads of laundry line dried, folded AND put away.
Jarred parsley for winter.
Basil dehydrating now for winter.
Family lunch, with homegrowns.
Reshelved a pile of borrowed books that were returned.
Kids took a virtual archaeology class.
Big box of their Aquaponics project supplies arrived.
A new book arrived in the mail ("Tree for Peter", have you read it?).
More homemade popsicles.
Too hot and too tired to put forth the effort for an ocean swim (which we do just about everyday), so let them have a summer movie to celebrate their cleaned rooms (they were thrilled!).
I picked and packaged collard green and kale seeds to store for next year.
Fed my kids the last of the fresh raspberries with oatmeal (still have a freezer full!).
Homemade vanilla ice cream.
Read to them our latest biography (Betsy Ross).
Kissed them goodnight.
Watered the garden.
Chased this one pullet the kids named "Hawk" around, for he doesn't go in the coop at night.
Slipped a red tomato in my pocket and grabbed a ready zucchini.
More kitchen cleaning.
And now I abandon the kitchen cleaning (which isn't done) to blog and read because this day is 10x more exhausting done in the summer heat.
Hot. Tired. Accomplished. I go to bed feeling thankful that I am able to provide all I can for this family with my own two hands.
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