Squeeeeee! Tiny baby goats..all ours!
Meet Serena:
And Sophia
We are all smitten! My kids have been out there by the hour just snuggling them. (And maybe the adults have been doing the same)
I keep hearing 'Take my picture!" Gladly.
(On a sad note, we got these because we no longer have our milk cow. While I loved, loved, loved having a milk cow, it's just not safe for me to keep a fence jumper around my free range kids. We miss her oodles, but are thankful we have a freezer full of milk and milk products. I have learned SO SO SO much this last year. We will absolutely have another cow again someday. Right now, I'm taking a break from milking and am thinking about getting back to my original plan of goats milk when these tiny goats are ready.. We actually bought the cow because the female goat we had never took....so no babies and no milk. I'm thankful for and happy about these two little goats. There's something to be said for having animals the kids can handles by themselves. )
Back to the goats. I love them so.
I was wondering how you were going to keep milking the cow and now the goats too. ;0D I'm sure you found your cow a happy home and what a great experience for all of you. The kid-sized goats are a great addition to your homestead! Have fun!