
A bit behind in pictures, we're on week 3 of our awesome homeschool co-op. Now these two have matching John Deere backpacks, thanks to Grammy.  We absolutely love our co-op. Friendship. Advice. Hugs. Help. Support. It's all that.  The wonderful women of the co-op brought me so many meals when I was sick during my last pregnancy. For over a month I had regular meals coming in. I am used to be on the giving side of things, such a different experience to be on the receiving end. It brought tears to my eyes each week.  We all need a tribe. I'm thankful for mine. If you don't have a tribe, share a little kindness and one will form. There are so many out there who could use a little love. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. We should be kind and humble. I really loved all these cute photos of your kids they look really excited and jolly



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