County Fair 2017

Somehow I missed getting a picture of Adrian doing his public demonstration and with all the ribbons he earned. Oops.  But, as usual, it was a great time. I asked Adrian if he could choose going to Disney or going to the county fair, what would he pick?  He didn't miss a beat and said "The fair."  I'm with you, Adrian. I'm with you.

 I stitched a 4-H patch on a hat and bib for Anna-Kate and dressed her in the dress my 4-H sister from my childhood gave to Anna-Kate. (Thanks KP!)  Hard to believe my kids are 3rd generation 4-Hers entering items into the fair!

At least here's pics of their projects:


  1. Looks like everyone had a good time. Even Anna-Kate stayed up for it!;0D

  2. Fairs are always fun! e always took our 3 girls and we loved the animal barns the best :)



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