Fresh Flowers

I am a sucker for fresh flowers.  Always in the summer and frequently in the winter, there's fresh flowers brightening every meal.  I am a frugal mama, but having fresh flowers is just one of those things that I splurge on during the winter.In the summer, however, it's fun to go crazy with decorating with fresh flowers....because they're free!

I collect random clear glass bottles and remove the labels (think heinz ketchup, spice containers, honey jar, mason jars, milk jars, salsa jars, etc) or you can pick up random interestingly shaped glass cups from thrift stores.  Goo gone removes labels beautifully.  I randomly collect flowers that I grow, wildflowers, ferns, hosta leaves, flowering branches, etc.  I always have an odd number of jars arranged (1, 3, 5)...odd numbers grouped are more pleasing to the eye.  Sometimes I do a medley, other times a single fern makes a statement.

I also don't limit displays to just our farmhouse dining table.  I throw displays in the bathroom, on shelves and outdoors.  We have two tables for dining outdoors...and there's something about a collection of color to make the space more inviting.

Here's today's collection...a mixture of wild flowers and things I've grown. 

There's something so beautiful and serene about the perfection of the blossoms. 

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