Play Kitchen Accessories Part 5: Play Apron

I complimented the mama behind Bug-a-boo beanies (, who has been a friend of mine since our 4-H days as kids.  I loved her beanies.  She loved my creations.  We decided to trade.  This is what I made her little girl:
And then I caught the bug and made oodles. So many I decided to sell them.

If you want to give it a go, here's a quick way to make an apron:
1) Measure how big you want the bodice. Cut two pieces that size. 2) You can just use thick 2 or 2 1/2 inch ribbon for the neck strap and ties. Place right sides together, pinning neck strap in place. Stitch top and sides of bodice. Turn right side out. Press. 3) Measure desired skirt length,leaving room for bottom hem. Width is 2 to 2 1/2 times bodice. Hem sides of skirt. Baste entire length of skirt 1/2 inch in on top leaving ends loose. Pull threads to gather and make a ruffle. You may need to pinch and move gather to ease it all in. 4) Place right sides of bottom skirt and bodice together so ruffle matches. Stitch in place. Press. 4)Cut long ribbon 3 1/2 to 4 times the length of the bodice. Pin the middle of the long ribbon to the back of the bodice, covering the unfinished stitches. Stitch (one side of the ribbon stitch in the ditch the other side of the ribbon hand sew so you can't see through the apron). Press. 5) Hem bottom apron. 6) Turn in and stitch the end of the side ribbon so they don't fray.

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