
Check out the progression of our barn over the past couple of weeks.  Winter. To Spring. Now back to Winter.

We have snow now. I measured 9 3/4 inches out there.

 So we did the obligatory hot chocolate and baking, like every good snowday should entail.

(Improving at bagels, my son loved the clover rolls, just like my mom used to make. I also made a garlic herbed crostini. good with fresh butter! A full freezer we'll have!). I sure hope there's more snowdays to come.



  1. Goodness, that looks cold. But beautiful.
    Your bread and rolls look dee-lish. Good excuse to warm up the kitchen. ;0D

  2. Yay for snow days! Lovely bread! I love the smell of fresh baked bread!

  3. The bread looks great! Hopefully you guys made lots of snow men :) Ours is all melted from 2 days ago, just 1 inch...



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