School at home #3

There are SO many great ideas, activities, video clips, tutorials, etc. out there right now. New ones every moment!  I find myself enthusiastic about so many of them! In the middle of my bookmarking and list making, I started to feel overwhelmed with the sheer volume of ideas.  Even though there are a million good things to do online, I don't need to do them all. Today, I shut the computer. We made muffins. We read many books. We took a long walk in the misty rain. We did some seed starting. The internet is grand, but it's not the most important.  When I look back on our day today, the parts we connected best of all had nothing to do with screens. Although I admire and encourage those who organize and plan great activities, I don't need to pressure myself to keep up.  Sometimes just being available for non scripted dialogue leads to the best lessons. 

Homeschooling, a wee bit of advice
School at home #2

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