
It all started while I was on maternity leave in 2012.  I called to tell my dad "that house" was for sale.  He knew exactly what I was talking about, as it was the house I fell in love with in 2006 and talked about a number of times.  He said "Did you call the relator?  If you never tried, wouldn't you always wonder?"

It was a crazy ride getting here, but I can say this is my backyard, this is my farm, these are my cows. It's humbling that we have come this far and I am pretty sure I want this life for always.


  1. I am 56. Two years ago I was living in Indiana. I am originally from Ohio, wanted to move back! I saw our farm on the internet! Called realtor, didn't even know if I could get it! Lots of hoops I had to jump through, but by the grace of God, I am now living my dream! On our farm! So glad you got your place!!! The children will be better for it! <3

  2. what a story! sometimes things are just meant to be.

  3. It's so good to hear your stories of following the dream. Makes me think we'll actually get there someday. Good on you both (you and Carol) for not giving up! Continued blessings...

  4. Sometimes it's all about timing!

  5. Sometimes it is all about timing.....



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