Now, I'm the first to admit, I never thought I'd raise a baby in cloth. I mean, who wants to deal with all the grossness of stinky, inconvenient, bulky cloth that always leaks? Not me. Not my husband. No way.
But, I soon grew tired of the waste of disposables. We only go to the transfer station every other week. And dirty disposables stink. My husband and I were equally frustrated with the stink. We decided to borrow a friend's cloth diaper stash for a week. If either of us were dissatisfied with the whole process after a week, we'd go back to disposables. After the 3rd day, we were hooked Modern cloth diapers are cute, easy to use and functional. Seriously, wouldn't you love giraffes on your underwear? And if you have a system that works, there is no stink. Yes, they cause laundry, but only 2 loads a week. I throw them in before bed and they're dry and ready to use in the morning. Easy! And the best part, savings! I read before that it costs $2500 to cloth your baby from birth to potty training. New cloth diapers are $12-$25, used are $8-$10 (we bought some from a friend), or you can make your own for less than $2. All I did was trace a fave diaper on to tissue paper, add some seam allowance. Walla! A pattern. Huge savings, environmentally friendly and best for your baby's bottom. Who can resist a cute, fluffy bum?
Baby approved.
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