Experiencing that which you love...

My oldest is a stereotypical boy in that he loves, loves, loves trucks. As in can't get enough.  He always has an arm full of matchbox cars, along with some extras in his pockets. We're often asked to carry a few.  We spend the majority of our walks talking about the trucks we spot. We have read our truck books so much that I've run out of things to say about loaders and such (which says a lot if you know me).

Well, we brought him to a "Touch a Truck" event, one that daddy was working at. He was initially quite shocked.
 But then his face turned rather stoic and didn't change.  We toured a bus, ambulance, tractor, loader, police car, etc. and he had the same look on his face.

I know  it's not unusual to be overwhelmed...but these are his favorite things.  It would be like bringing me to a cupcake store and telling me I can try each and every one.  Or bringing me to a fabric store and telling me I can make something with as many fabrics as I want.  I would be over the moon!
Finally, we did get a couple of smiles.

 And of course we've been talking about this adventure daily since.
It's just funny how kids are sometimes.

Baby sister, on the other hand, finds trucks mighty dull.  Probably because she's listened to book on trucks daily since conception.

It was a good day.
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