Garden 2020: Update 1

 Keep these garden updates rolling! Or whatever else you're working on. Here's our garden. Was a hayfield except for a rhubarb when we moved in. The clockwise tour starting top left.
Starting with the orchard with 6 different apple trees, 1 pear, 1 cherry, 3 plums, 1 peach. Moving on to 15 blueberries ( I have 7 more to plant). On to asparagus. Strawberries. 2 cherry bushes. My son's Kids can Grow garden, Rhubarb, Compost and main garden (which was 40x40 at one point, it's a bit smaller now I think). Garden has 4 raisedbeds added this year. PLus I have a rock herb garden.My huge raspberry hedge and concord grapevines. Back to the slip and slide. We have a lot of elderberries elsewhere, but am trying to propagate some to move to our garden area.

 Started these tomatoes on my anniversary. March 10th.
 Green beans saved year after year.
 Best garlic I've ever grown.
 Some thinning of the collards needed. I saved these seeds. Been growing collards for how many years from my own seeds.
 Love volunteer plants.  Hello sunflower that I didn't plant.
 Excited for our fruit harvest.  Strawberries.
 Apple blossoms just about gone.  Wish I took a picture of the cherry blossoms.
 Heirloom raspberries coming along.
Thankful for a good start, hoping for a good harvest.


  1. It all looks fabulous! No doubt you will expand each year, now that you have three garden helpers!

  2. Wow your garden looks great! It's nice that you have so much variety. Adding cold frames is probably a great idea they're great in cooler weather

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wonderful! Everything looks super! I need to get some fruit trees and garlic planted. I love garlic but for some reason never thought to plant any. I'll have to research that one. Looking forward to next update 🏵️



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