I've figured out how to embarrass my son. Spotting 'garbage' outside an ice cream shop in the city, Audra asking if we can take them, and me (along with friends) toting the whole stack allllll the way back to the car. Adrian hopes to never relive that hour.
I, on the other hand, am thrilled!!! I have 21 food grade three gallon bins with snap on lids that are well made and look sharp! Plus a story to boot!
Operation organization commenced, promptly after I hosed and scrubbed the pile of buckets. I still have some more pantry cleaning to do, but there's progress!
In order to remind Adrian of this delightful time in his childhood when he was 11, I am sharing this story.
Also, I'm convinced more of us ought to save these food grade ice cream containers from the trash! So useful!!!
These are PERFECT for storage of the 50 pound dry good bags we get from the bulk market.
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