
The blueberries are ripe. The ones in our yard are about gone (Audra), which is okay, as that's what they are for, right?  Alas, there's places to pick.  Look for the yellow balloons for the best picking they say. Big delicious handfuls of blueberries at those yellow balloons.  Adrian picked more than his dad.  Audra had an empty bucket, per usual.  Really, can you blame her? Why save for later when you can eat right now.  Blueberry rhubarb jam fresh out of the canner at 11:30 pm (some fresh salsa too!).  It sounded like something good to try. Mmm. It's good. I suspect a little fresh jam will be a welcome surprise come morning.  There's still oodles of blueberries left to gobble up. I suspect there will be some baking in the near future.


  1. Good thing y'all are along with Audra, or you'd never come home with any! I'm with ya, Audra! Enjoy!



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