
 1) That random basket that Adrian thinks is a portable fence for his cows. A muffin tin. All that felt!  Watercolors (Brand new!) and all those brand new workbooks. They may or may not be of use to us, but couldn't pass them up at a bargain price. $5.00
 2) The marble track. Two I Spy games, A metal tin. A heavy rooster lamp. A dress. Brand new stride rite shoes, the size up.  Random Christmas glasses.  Two books. $5.50.
Yards of fabric (many vintage ones too!), patterns, random notions, scissors.  I don't even remember how much it cost. A bit more than $5, definitely less than $10. Certainly a bargain!


  1. Fabulous finds! Love all the fabric & felt! The rooster lamp is awesome!

  2. Oh My Gosh! You are a thrifting maven! So many glorious treasures!



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