Mama Made: Tractor Collared Shirt

My little Adrian seriously only wears clothes that are farming related.  He dresses himself 100% of the time and he pretty much never wears something that's not farming. He's so consistent on what he wears that I actually boxed and tucked into the closet many of his non farming shirts.  We are regular weekly church goers and my rule is no tractor shirts to church.  He knows he has to wear a collared shirt. He hates when he can't wear tractors.

Enter a $2/yard bin while we were on vacation and the discovery of Blue Ford fabric. "Mama, I have nothing that's Blue Ford!"  And then enter this really great book I found for $6 at the tractor supply (and it includes all the tissue paper patterns!). And you end up with a blue ford tractor collared shirt.  Which is perfect for church, so he says.

Would you look at that fabric? My. You must know that I really love him, given that I let him pick out that fabric AND made him a shirt with it. 

That shirt? It's his new favorite. He wore it 3 days straight before taking it off. 

Glad I can make him happy.

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