It takes a village...

Truth:  When I first moved here, I was a newlywed living in a new state,working 50+ hours trying to get rid of school debt before we started a family (our personal goal).  When we got rid of all those college loans and I got pregnant, I sort of panicked. The old saying goes "It takes a village"...I had no village.  In March of 2010, I began actively searching for a village to be a part of, which has totally paid off.  I'm a part of some pretty remarkable villages now. In 2016, I'm still growing my village.

Thankful this homeschool co-op has become a big part of our life.  I cannot  put into words how awesome and amazing it is to be a part of such an awesome crew.  I think we had 56 people over to our little farm for a get together a couple of weeks ago.  It's a wonderful thing to see these fields full of life. Wonderful to see this village get along so famously.  Lucky kids...growing up a part of a group with a whole lot of love.

(Only the first pic is mine. The rest are from villagers.)

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