The Itch to Stitch: Dress 7

Dress one: Here.
Dress two: Here.
Dress three: Here
Dress four: Here.
Dress five: Here.
Dress six: Here.

Remember how I promised a dress a month for an entire year?  Well, two days ago, I forgot.  But, I'm proud to say I finished *just in time*.

This is an Oliver & S pattern again. I was going to try to do 12 different patterns, but I opted to do this one again because the one I made before has been our go-to dress. No sunburned shoulders, no pants needed, one piece and she's good to go.  Everytime my husband dresses Audra, if it's clean, he puts her in it. (Which I love.) Only I was reminded as I got going how Oliver &S have fantastic clothes but make everything way too complex in the pattern.  Certainly not a good choice for a last minute dress. 

Didn't get it done in time for pictures with sweet girl, but at least it's done. I made it in blue because of that blonde hair and those blue eyes, so she's sure to look mighty cute.

She just turned 2 and I think I have officially made her 14 dresses total in her life so far, not to mention coat, skirts, pajamas, dolls, toys etc.  I wanted to take advantage of giving her mama mades as much as possible before she became too big to refuse.  I tell you, I am having the time of my life creating for my little girl.

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