All Changed Up: Our Play Room

A bit ago, I decided that I wanted to continue to take pictures of our space as it changes. 

This is our zone a bit ago:

And when we first moved in.

Lately? Well, too much has migrated in there. I moved the play kitchen into the real kitchen, but didn't stop there. I took just about everything out, leaving very little.  And you know?  The kids are playing different things, they're playing better together and they are enjoying the space to spread out. A good decision, offering less.  The excess is put away and will be new and exciting when it comes out next.

Our new space:

 They have been loving it.

 And that kitchen playset?
 Now that it's in our kitchen, it's finally getting used again.
Sometimes a bit less and changing things up is best kind of 'new' we can give our kids.

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