Thrifted. Randoms.


 Four traffic cones (which are useful when we have events), three fantastic books (really, worth having!) and Owl and Rabbit from my little Pooh lovers.  $6.00

Or those cones have been garages too.

 A big laundry basket used for stuffed animals in sweet girl's room. Six American girl books. Three wooden bowls.  $4.50.

Random happiness: The beauty that happens when weather changes.
 What she finds to play.
 What he finds to play.
 How she can swing for hours as long as someone pushed her.
 How he randomly decided to clean the car. One bag is for junk, one for recyclables, one for things to put away (he's so my kid.)

Happiness abound.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous finds! Love the books! I am still trying to teach my preteens the three bag system to cleaning out the vehicle, so wonderful your son already does that! :)



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