Those of you who live in climates where you can garden year round, my hat is off to you. I've been in preserving, preserving, preserving mode. Freezer. Canner. Dehydrate. Bowls, piles, bins. There's fresh produce everywhere. Not that I'm complaining about that. I'm rounding out to 592 pounds of produce thus far this year that's been harvested. Most of the heavier stuff is in, but there's still more coming. I've been up to midnight most every night preserving something. And then, of course, up to milk at 6am. This all will taste so good the middle of winter, so it's totally worth it. It's just that I'm tired. A little rest is in order. And a little birthday celebration with grandparents and some R&R is what's planned. His birthday menu? PBJ with homemade bread and homemade jam. John Deere grapes (green). Chips and dip. Apple cider. Apple or peach crisp in lieu of cake. Not a menu I'd pick if I was hosting a crew, but that's the fun in letting him pick his birthday meal. Plus the menu is so easy compared to what he could have picked.
What else is in store? Well, some of what Audra is doing right here. A little bit of nothing today will mean most everything to me .
All of those preserved goodies will be nourishing your family all winter. So blessed!