Beach days...

It's time...time for beach days to return.  Memory lane was flooding as I walked this familiar path.  The same path that I walked with my new little boy.  The same path I waddled while trying to chase a toddler.  The same path I walked when I recovered from giving birth two days prior.  The same path that tried to juggle two kids on my own to sneak in some extra beach days last summer. 

 It felt good to see the blossoms.
And to feel the sand and chilly waters.

But most of all, it was fun to watch both my kids explore, not only on their own, but with their BOG and co.  Special times, indeed.


 A marvelous time was had by all. So thankful for coastal living. 


  1. Oh I would love to live coastal living. Your kids are so lucky they can explore the best things about nature. Amazing photos that make me smile. Thank you. B

  2. :-) I love the turquoise sun hat! Lovely photos too. Your coast looks like my coast. Maine and Nova Scotia don't feel far apart at all when I look at the pictures.

  3. That looks so fun! I'd love to be close to a beach. Looks like the kids really enjoyed themselves!



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