Happy Valentine's Day 2014!

We meticulously made the beginnings of our Valentines.

 (Watered down glue and tissue paper scraps)

 And I was going to cut hearts out of them and send Valentines.
 But he refused to let me cut them.
 He said we should take a picture to show all our Valentines.
 So that's what we did.
 And there you have it, a homemade, just for you Valentine from Audra and Adrian.
Happy Valentine's Day to you!


  1. Oh Happy Valentines Day to Audra and Adrian. HUGS B

  2. Awwww, thanks! Hope you enjoy this day of love!

  3. Love it! What beautiful valentines. Have a wonderful day. xoxo Hugs and kisses to the cutest 2 valentines ever.

  4. Well thank you for that sweet valentine! I love how proud they are of their creations :)



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