Thrifted. Updates. Randoms.


1) Thrifted.
 A large blue hamper (perfect for stuffed animals), a set of four flip top canisters.  Wooden flowerpots and a watering can. Camping cup.

Remember the bowls he said I must have a few weeks ago?

Well, the canister set matches perfectly. So he said we "HAD" to get them. I guess we have a collection now?

 Melissa and Doug magnet set. Brand new pack doilies for crafts. Two science books. Mickey (Grampy loves Mickey, we need him!), a hat for him, a hat for myself, a collar and a rabbit watering bottle. $6.50.

And I love this hat.
 Homesteading help from the husband.
 Bread for sale.
 And my personal victory. I made a bigger area for the chickens in the barn (Hello drill and wood scraps). I then moved the brooder and 47chicks to the barn by myself, with two kids.  Our house smells better now and I'm mighty proud of myself for concocting something.
 Onto the next project now!  Which, don't worry, I won't be adding any more birds. :)

Happy Monday!


  1. That hat looks fab on you! I always enjoy your thrifted posts.
    Congrats on a hard job well done!
    Enjoy your wee ones this week!

  2. That hat was made for you! Love the canister set! Way to go on making room in the barn for the chicks! Hope you are having a great day!



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