Flea Market Love

I fondly remember the days I'd venture to the Brimfield Flea Market. Certainly a trek from our home in Maine, but we'd meet my uncle and we'd all head there together.  I'd browse, search, ponder....and sure enough head home with stuff, stuff and more stuff.

It's too long of a day for my littles to head to Brimfield, but we can at least pop into smaller/local flea markets.  There's still a lot of love there.

Our loot:

A four dollar big metal tub. The wooden tool box.  Vintage toys. Wool, lots of wool.

 There's yards of wool here. You know how expensive that is? Wicked expensive.

Pretty proud of myself. I found all the stuff I loved and asked her "Would you take $15 for this?"  It was a lot less than if I had tallied the price that she tagged.  I'm trying not to be scared to ask. Getting better at asking, which is good, as she agreed.

And look at these vintage toys.
 Adrian always loves 'rusty old'. He'd much rather go to the flea market for toys than a department store. That makes my heart soar!  She just loves tiny tiny, no matter where you get it. A quarter a piece makes me happy. 

Who knows what this rusty bin was for, but I say it's good for keeping children. Not bad for $4.00


 I was pretty stoked to find the tool box. It's because I've already started a wooden tool box collection.  This is round 3 of them.  $2.00 for the last one I bought. The cost of all  was $5.50.
 I filled them with the garden necessities (thanks for grammy and grampy for the shoves, glaves and the like).  One box for me and each of my littles.
I'd say they approve.


  1. Flea markets are such a source for treasures! Enjoy all of your discoveries!

  2. Wonderful finds! Love it all! I can't wait to see what you make with the wool!

  3. I just love all your finds Jackie! Keep the posts coming :)

  4. I learned that from watching American Pickers- offer a flat amount for a batch of things! I did that with my little collection of green wood handled kitchen utensils, and really scored! Congrats! You could make a ton re-selling some of that. Tools boxes are hot right now, white with chalk paint, filled with flowers and a french stencil :)



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