Modeling the July Dress.

I finished this dress just in time last month, but never got pictures of my little model.
Here she is in her newest mama made:

Looking so sweet and precious.
Capture the cleanliness while I can, she's sure to be filthy momentarily.

It's fine. The clothing I make is made for wearing.

For no other reason than because she was still wearing the mama made dress, I'll just keep posting pictures. I brought them to a polka concert.
They loved it. Danced, talked it up with the band.

To which a random goat attended.  They asked if they could bring theirs.

And what a beautiful moon over the harbor. Lucky to live here.


  1. She looks fabulous! What a lucky girl to have a Momma who can sew her dresses. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Is that goat seriously wearing a visor?

  3. Gorgeous little girl in a gorgeous dress!



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