Eight, Seven and a HALF, Seven ,Six and a half, Six ,Five, 4 1/2, Here's 4 , 3 1/2, 3 years, 2 1/2 years, 2 years 18 months, 12 months, 9 months? 6 months? 3 months? Just being bornAudra, you're 8 and a HALF.
You have spunk like no other. You are always up for something new, exciting or fun! You are the most flexible person in our family and love a change or a new adventure. You can talk to anyone and everyone and are most gifted with animals. You are pretty much never alone...because you don't like to play alone and you get into mischief if we leave you alone.
You are a smart girl with a vast vocabulary and a wit like no one else. You keep us in stitches. You are a fine student and naturalist. You enjoy being outside (as long as you have company). You have an appreciation for quality literature.
You love animals, dressing old fashioned, gum and audiobooks. You hate chores, mushrooms, waiting and being alone. You can spend a good chunk of your day looping the longest crocheted chain ever. You would eat a half dozen eggs if I let you. When you get in your card making mode, we are blessed with an abundance of sweet messages. You are a thoughtful gift giver. You enjoy swimming, hiking and biking.
You are an excellent example to me about how fun it is to live in the moment. You never worry, rarely plan, hardly ever look back, but look to find the fun in whatever is in front of you in the moment. How much more fun in life would I have if I learned to live in the moment like you do so naturally!
You keep us on our toes and often zap all my energy. You add both the sweetness and the spice to our days and we love you ever so much.
Happy eight and a HALF, firecracker!
Love, Mama
You are a smart girl with a vast vocabulary and a wit like no one else. You keep us in stitches. You are a fine student and naturalist. You enjoy being outside (as long as you have company). You have an appreciation for quality literature.
You love animals, dressing old fashioned, gum and audiobooks. You hate chores, mushrooms, waiting and being alone. You can spend a good chunk of your day looping the longest crocheted chain ever. You would eat a half dozen eggs if I let you. When you get in your card making mode, we are blessed with an abundance of sweet messages. You are a thoughtful gift giver. You enjoy swimming, hiking and biking.
You are an excellent example to me about how fun it is to live in the moment. You never worry, rarely plan, hardly ever look back, but look to find the fun in whatever is in front of you in the moment. How much more fun in life would I have if I learned to live in the moment like you do so naturally!
You keep us on our toes and often zap all my energy. You add both the sweetness and the spice to our days and we love you ever so much.
Happy eight and a HALF, firecracker!
Love, Mama
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