Grape Ketchup

We have oodles of concord grapes around our property and around our generous neighbor's.  I've made jam, but thought I'd try something different.  Per request, here's the recipe I used.  It's not really from a source, it's created by me after researching oodles of recipes and figuring out what works. My kids love it on eggs, as a dipping sauce and as topping.  It also would be good for a sweet/sour meatball type of meal.

Grape Ketchup by Jackie

4 pounds concord grapes
4 cups apple cider vinegar (I used my own homemade version)
6 cups sugar
2 T cinnamon
1 T allspice
6oz tomato paste

1) Steam grapes using 1 cup of water until softened.  Mash grapes, strain juice, discard skins and seeds. 
2) Place grape juice in saucepan, add vinegar, sugar, cinnamon, allspice. Bring to boil.  Simmer for a few hours stirring periodically or until has reduced by half it's amount.  (Or you could leave in a crockpot with the top cracked for 24 hours).
3) Whisk in tomato paste.  Let reduce further until the consistency is ketchup-like.
4) Waterbath can for 15min.


  1. Now that just looks yummy. I can see that as a sauce for mini meatballs. So glad to get to visit with you today. Pray all is well. Blessings!

  2. Sounds interesting. I have only wild grapes here, full of pits. Concord is on the list to plant for next year when I get to phase 9 of my new garden. Only at phase 6 right now. Sigh!

  3. Hooray! Happy it turned out and thank you so much for posting the recipe!! We get quite a few grapes from old, established grapevines too so I can't wait to give it a try. :)

  4. Yay! I'm so glad you shared this recipe! I was so curious when you wrote about it way back!

    Wishing you a lovely day.



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