
Would you look at this set of vintage cooking books!  12 of them, published in 1958. I almost left them there, as I don't really have the time or engergy to sift through them now. But for $5.00.
 But then again, maybe a little dessert and a good read is a good idea?
 And then some vintage fabric, two John Deere tractors, two new books (Chicken Soup with Rice! Remember that one?!), a vintage cow pitcher, a doily she wanted, wooden toast tongs and another pair of BORN shoes. I was looking for black ones anyway! The sole isn't even worn and they aren't broken in. Brand new! Grand total?  $5.00 for all. What a steal. Especially since Born shoes are well over $100 a pair. (And I have scored a grand total of 5 like new Born shoes thrifting thus far! I've seen more, but ones that are worn.  Keep your eyes open!)
 Vintage tray, another book (brand new!) with illustrator Charles Fuge (love him!) a pack of zippers, a bunch of wooden vintage spools, a couple of yards of white fabric and this whole notions box!  Full of bobbins, thread, seam ripper, etc.  Given I have lost all but one of my bobbins, this was a welcome surprise. $10.00 

There's my monthly quota!  Who else has been thrifting?


  1. Fabulous finds! This week I found a large tin box (for storage) for 75 cents. Love those bargains!

  2. Been thrifting too! I do some of mine on eBay though. I can never find table runners I like locally :( Must be washable!!!



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