

 Four books (including the Tometen...everyone's absolutely fave. It's about a little gnome type guy who lives in the haylofts of old farms. He checks on the animals at night. My kids are convinced we have one too and they see his tracks cute!).  A wooden truck crayon holder (that he turns into a plow truck with tape and a piece of cardboard), adult mitten pattern, a new paintbrush for her, a pack of note cards and a wool skirt to upcycle. $5.00.

La artista.
And a very solid mini wooden rocker (can you see that seat cushion a handmade quilted one!), a twin sized WOOL blanket (You know how expensive those are new?! Squee!!!), a mini wire basket and a mini wooden box. $6.50.


  1. Oooh, that woolen blanket must be SO warm! Good deals, girl!

  2. Fabulous finds! Love the book and the wool blanket!!!

  3. Happiness all around . . . (i agree - those magic people are everywhere . . )



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