(Half) Birthday Celebrations

I think one of the best traditions we have started is the half birthday. Because, really, who wouldn't want an extra day to feel special? A small present or two, perhaps. And cake. Who wouldn't want extra cake? Oh yeah, this girl, six months ago. I'm happy to share that she now likes cake. Really, it would be challenging living in this household long term if one had a aversion to cake.  All is well. She likes cake, we like to celebrate. Onto our little celebration...here's the set up before I went to bed and the pictures that follow were the special times of her two and a half birthday.

 Happy two and a half, sweet girl!


  1. When I taught school , there were some religions that do not celebrate birthdays and I thought it so sad not to celebrate a child's birth! Glad you had a terrific time! Making children feel special and loved and wanted is SO important!



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