Maine weather...

This Maine weather is so weird.  Last week, Christmas week, we were outside with either spring coats or now coats.

And then we went to the beach on Christmas day, it was in the high 60s!  Thankful to have my brother (his blog here and my soon to be sister in law with us.  When can we go to the beach in Maine on Christmas day and have it be spring like weather? Weird.  No one else was there, so we'll take it!

And then to think we were *just* doing this in a our backyard a few days after these shots.
 And now it's an ice rink out there. Not snow angel worthy at all.  Remember the snow last year?  Worth peeking if you missed it.
Regardless of the weather, I have to be up and milking before dawn anyway. I appreciate it hasn't been bitter cold most mornings. 


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