
It is supposed to be a dining room.  However, with an eat in kitchen, I figured a better use for that attached dining room space would be a play zone.  It has really worked out well for my little ones who never want to be far from mama.  

I have already shared with you our play thrifted/homdmde kitchen set here.

I've shared our re-done built in china cabinet that contains anything but china here.

I'm proud to announce that painting is DONE in this room!  Wahoo!  It may seem like no big deal...slap a coat of paint and call it done. feels like anything but.  There's that lovely wallpaper, you see.  Remember when I told you about that? Three coats of paint.  And of course, with kids who hardly sleep at the same time, I can't do the whole shabang in one sitting.  I *tried* to do one coat on one wall a day.  You now see why I feel a bit triumphant with the completion. 

Here's the before...
And here's the now...


My poor husband decided to exercise in this room. 
 He jumped up and smacked his noggin on the light...shredding it to pieces. 
He felt so bad, but I just said it was another DIY project to add on the list.

There are (of course) some things my dad made in this room.
(That's my 'papa' there. He was a muskellunge fishing guide on the St. Lawrence River.)

And perhaps your eyes wandered to these large french doors.  That's an entrance to our three seasoned porch. 

I'll have to show you out there sometime.
And this is the view outside from the room.

Can you spy the train?
I do love these radiators.
And this was what the last corner of the room looked like when I was taking pictures for you.  That's my former baking station.  I miss baking with it, but there's just no room in the kitchen. 

By nightfall, it did look a bit more presentable.  It's going to have my paper craft stuff...and I have another space for my sewing stuff in mind...all in time. 
There's also our 'workboxes'...a system I've been doing with Adrian to keep me organized and make sure I actually do finish what I set out to accomplish with him in a day.
I still need to figure out art work and better choose what will be displayed here and there in this room.  Right now, it's coming together, although not yet 'done'.   

Regardless, I hope you enjoyed the tour.

Hopefully there will be more rooms ready soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, it looks so great! A definite upgrade from the wallpaper. The room looks so much brighter!



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